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The Online Course Syllabus Template is used in the Online and Hybrid Certification Course (OHCC). It's based on GRCC's Syllabus Template. It was created by Distance Learning and Instructional Technologies (DLIT) with the goals of ensuring your syllabus:

  • contains the required course and college policies.
  • is accessible to all students, including those with a disability (e.g. works with a screen-reader), and
  • addresses situations unique to distance learners.

Feel free to use this template, customizing it for your own online or hybrid course. Just make sure you don't:

  1. Remove the accessible features of the Word document (e.g. change heading styles).
  2. Forget to address the required course policies.
  3. Edit or delete the required college policies.

Note: This template contains suggested language that is not part of the "Common Syllabus Components" approved by the Academic Governing Council (AGC) as updated in 2019.

Outside the OHCC, this template is not required. However, it will assist faculty in meeting the GRCC distance education standards. For example, the "Participation" language in the template addresses the criteria to "clearly state the requirements for learner interactions."
