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Goal 1: Teaching & Learning  

Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 | Goal 4 | Goal 5

The College develops and delivers flexible curriculum across modalities to enhance student learning, ensuring measurable improvements and success. 

Goal 1: Metrics Measurement Categories - Retention

PriorityStrategic InitiativeProgress PercentageImplementation DateTarget Completion Date

Priority 1: 

Implement comprehensive initiatives and tailored support systems to better serve adult learners

Diversity in Curricular and Co-curricular Content and Programming

  • Tactic 1.1 Build curriculum (course content & co-curricular programming) that reflects the diversity of our student body
  • Tactic 1.1.1 Bring a team of faculty together to review our curriculum to see where we already do this
  • Tactic 1.1.2 Review course learning outcomes to identify existing course content and if any revisions are needed (faculty to determine).
0%Start: 2024-25 AY2027-28 AY       

Student Evaluation of Courses and Services

  • Tactic 1.2 Identify a committee/group (FEST) who can work towards developing a meaningful student evaluation of courses and services that is geared towards different modalities
  • Tactic 1.2.1 Develop a meaningful student evaluation of courses and services that is geared towards different modalities for classroom and non-classroom faculty
  • Tactic 1.2.2 Review with interested groups and receive feedback, incorporate feedback, and provide recommendations.
10%In Progress2024-25 AY

Industry-relevant Content & Curriculum

  • Tactic 1.3  Ensure our instructors are tapped into industry practices and organizations to get relevant information to students
  • Tactic 1.3.1 Review of ways advisory boards or other existing mechanisms are being utilized for best practices
  • Tactic 1.3.2 Expand into liberal arts and other areas (beyond only workforce programs)
20%In Progress2024-26 AY

Faculty Professional Development

  • Tactic 1.4  Expand our existing professional development system for faculty rank and tenure progression (possibly including sabbatical)
20%In Progress2024-25 AY

Adaptive Instructional Practice

  • Tactic 1.5  Adapt instructional practices based on identified student needs
  • Tactic 1.5.1  Better understand students’ needs holistically
0%Start: 2024-25 AY2027-28 AY

Priority 2: 

Design a flexible schedule that accommodates students' diverse needs.

Schedule Optimization

  • Tactic 2.1  Elevate the student informed scheduling needs with faculty (explain the why)
  • Tactic 2.1.1  Get the data needed to help explain the why
  • Tactic Review modality needs and student preferences including types of courses
  • Tactic 2.1.2  Ask current and former students what they want regarding schedules (more data) and ensuring they can build a schedule that works for them
  • Tactic 2.1.3  Support faculty when we are asking for these changes
  • Tactic 2.1.4 Articulate clear roles & responsibilities within the leadership structure
  • Tactic 2.2 Ensure there are adequate options for students to be able to build a schedule
  • Tactic 2.2.1 Conduct analysis of when required courses are offered to ensure students can complete all courses in a required program within a two-year period
  • Tactic Review the data we have to identify existing gaps
  • Tactic 2.3  Identify ways to overcome space limitations for scheduling (ex. Labs or resources in classrooms)
  • Tactic 2.4 Review the needs and scheduling options at the Lakeshore Campus
80%In Progress2023-24 AY

Priority 3: 

Realize inclusive learning environments at GRCC in both physical and online settings.

Inclusive Learning Environments

  • Tactic 3.1  Assess the current state of inclusivity of learning environments
  • Tactic 3.1.1  Create a clear process of evaluating inclusive environments across campuses and virtually
10%In Progress2025-26

Universal Design for Learning

  • Tactic 3.1.2  Assess & support faculty & staff’s implementation of UDL in instruction & classroom environment
0%Start: 2025-262027-28

English as a Second Language Curriculum

  • Tactic 3.2 Assess where we currently are with ESL policies & curriculum
  • Tactic 3.2.1 Create scaffolding that will help ESL (like developmental placement) students succeed
30%In Progress2024-2025

Goal 2: Completion & Transfer

The College sustains and continuously improves our focus on successful student goal achievement.

Goal 2: Metrics Measurement Categories - Retention and Completion

Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 | Goal 4 | Goal 5

PriorityStrategic InitiativeProgress PercentageImplementation DateTarget Completion Date

Priority 1: 

Harness the power of data to inform our practices and guide decision-making

Data Informed Decision-making

  • Tactic 1.1 Foster a data-informed culture
  • Tactic 1.1.1 Increase data literacy across the organization
  • Tactic 1.1.2  Increases employee access to the data by creating dashboards
  • Tactic 1.1.3 External training in analytics to drive overall data literacy including each person's role
  • Tactic 1.1.4 Clarify the current plan for the student success data team to act as consultants to help other areas understand their data needs and what is available to them
  • Tactic 1.2  Have a common framework to run parallel reports with accuracy & understand our data better
  • Tactic 1.2.1  Have a common understanding of completion, transfer, & data collection
  • Tactic 1.3  Finalize and implement a data governance policy
  • Tactic 1.3.1 Establish data quality and integrity
  • Tactic Identify one source of data for college reports including an evaluation process for data
  • Tactic Minimize the number of locations where we store data
30%In Progress2024-25 AY

Priority 2: 

Foster a seamless integration between education and employment for our students

Student Career Planning

  • Tactic 2.1 Review & understand the info the high schools are collecting on career planning (the checklist) to determine its relevance for GRCC
  • Tactic 2.2  Create a mechanism to make career planning part of the systems (shared communication across campus)
  • Tactic 2.2.1 Review and document the communications that are occurring around career planning
  • Tactic 2.2.2  Assess how students are using the options we currently have and identify gaps
  • Tactic 2.2.3  Build an indicator of where a student is in career decision making into orientation (explain they should expect this from GRCC) (underway)
  • Tactic 2.2.4 Determine how we can better utilize the existing career exploration mechanisms we have in place
10%In Progress2025-26 AY

Employer-Based Career Exploration

  • Tactic 2.3 Establish a coordinated effort for employer partners to give students the opportunity to learn about careers and a variety of fields and to develop the relationship between students and employers
10%In Progress2025-26 AY

Career-focused Curriculum

  • Tactic 2.4  Leverage our curriculum to assist students in their career planning
  • Tactic 2.4.1  Make intentional assignments in our courses around career exploration
  • Tactic 2.4.2 Add a statement around career planning to the syllabi and/or faculty curriculum dev. shell
10%In Progress2026-27 AY

Non-Credit to Credit Course Alignment

  • Tactic 2.5  Identify additional areas to enroll students from non-credit spaces to credit courses (alignment with grant opportunity)
20%In Progress2024-25 AY

Priority 3: 

Implement targeted retention and graduation strategies to support historically marginalized communities

Enhancing Belonging Among Underserved & Underrepresented Students

  • Tactic 3.1 Better define what we mean by underrepresented & underserved and create strategies for each sub-group
    Tactic 3.1.1  Assess strategies and best practices in creating a sense of belonging for students in each subgroup
  • Tactic 3.1.2 Implement best practices for creating a sense of belonging
  • Tactic 3.1.3  Attract gender non-traditional students into specific career paths (males in nursing, etc.) / encourage students to expand their thinking about career possibilities
  • Tactic 3.2  Expand professional development opportunities around serving underrepresented & underserved populations
10%In Progress2024-25 AY

Goal 3: Equity

The College employs standards and benchmarks in access and equity to foster inclusivity and remove barriers 
through inclusive policies, procedures, and practices.

Goal 3: Metrics Measurement Categories - Retention, Completion and Employee Engagement Score

Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 | Goal 4 | Goal 5

PriorityStrategic InitiativeProgress PercentageImplementation DateTarget Completion Date

Priority 1: 

Strengthen mental health support for students, staff, and faculty by expanding resources and capacity to address their diverse needs and promote well-being

Mental Health Supports

  • Tactic 1.1  Educate faculty about the systems (for example, Navigate, BIT reporting, etc.) that exist to help students
  • Tactic 1.1.1  Understand the infrastructure and processes we have around mental health
  • Tactic 1.1.2  Create a roadmap of the system that currently exists and including gaps (ex. Click navigate button doesn’t go directly to counselor)
  • Tactic 1.2  Develop processes and systems to help fill in gaps identified in 1.1.2
  • Tactic 1.3 Have the capacity (staffing & financial) to support the institution's mental health needs
10%In Progress2024-25 AY

Priority 2: 

Provide comprehensive support for students' basic needs by implementing initiatives that provide access to essential resources inside and outside the classroom

Student Basic Needs

  • Tactic 2.1  Institutionalize supporting students’ basic needs
  • Tactic 2.1.1  Support faculty and staff with knowledge and resources to support students’ needs
  • Tactic 2.1.2 Support adjunct faculty as a first-line for students (provide same information as full-time faculty)
  • Tactic 2.1.3  Help all staff & faculty know what is available to help students & support them getting their basic needs met
20%In Progress2025-26 AY

Wraparound Funding and Services

  • Tactic 2.2 Identify grants and other additional funds for wraparound services to replenish existing funding sources
  • Tactic 2.2.1 Identify funding to be able to add human resources to focus on wraparound services
20%In Progress2024-25 AY

CARES Network of Student Support Outcomes

  • Tactic 2.3  Increase transparency and accessibility of data from GRCC CARES including what services are most often requested
  • Tactic 2.3.1  Identify where the data is stored (ex: Navigate?) and how to gain access to it including who should access it
  • Tactic 2.3.2 Better understand outcomes and students who use services vs. those who do not and how that impacts long-term outcomes
40%In Progress2024-25 AY

Priority 3: 

Cultivate an institutional environment that embodies and prioritizes equity and inclusion

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Professional Development

  • Tactic 3.1  Create a shared understanding of what GRCC means by diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB)
  • Tactic 3.2  Review our current policies, procedures and systems in place
  • Tactic 3.3  Create learning opportunities to support DEIB across the college (ongoing)
30%In Progress2024-25 AY

Priority 4: 

Ensure representation of faculty and staff are reflected by the richness and diversity of our student body and community

Inclusive Hiring Practices

  • Tactic 4.1  Review our hiring processes to ensure they support DEIB efforts
  • Tactic 4.1.1  Ensure coordination among HR, People/Culture/Equity, academic depts. and associate deans 
  • Tactic 4.1.2  Get more cooperation between dept. hiring of adjuncts & HR who work on this
  • Tactic 4.1.3  Look at/change our policy of internal postings (if pool isn’t diverse to start this hinders us)
  • Tactic 4.2  Redesign and deliver training on DEIB (including bias) for the search committees & anyone in a position to hire before interviews
20%In Progress2025-26 AY

Goal 4: Community Impact

The College seeks to impact and serve the community by educating students and sustaining partnerships to 
create a stronger workforce for the future.

Goal 4: Metrics Measurement Categories - Enrollment and Community Engagement Score

Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 | Goal 4 | Goal 5

PriorityStrategic InitiativeProgress PercentageImplementation DateTarget Completion Date

Priority 1: 

Execute a comprehensive strategic enrollment management system to effectively manage and achieve enrollment goals

Strategic Enrollment Management Plan

  • Tactic 1.1 Fully develop a strategic enrollment management plan
  • Tactic 1.1.3 Develop student group enrollment strategies for each category of students we serve
  • Tactic 1.3 Align current technology solutions to align data/enrollment management
  • Tactic 1.4  Evaluate our enrollment processes to ensure they align with the SEM when complete
50%In Progress2023-24 AY

Community Economic

  • Tactic 1.1.1 Better understand our competition- 4 Years, For Profits, & Comm. Orgs
  • Tactic 1.1.2 Dig deeper into what the next 10-15 years look like including economic factors (forecasting)
20%In Progress2024-25 AY

Data Governance

  • Tactic 1.2  Ability to obtain and interpret our data and share with relevant parties
  • Tactic 1.2.1  Establish a data governance model (see Goal 2; Priority 1)
  • Tactic 1.2.2 Review current systems to determine how they enable job performance and where data resides
40%In Progress2024-25 AY

Priority 2: 

Enhance academic and student services at the Lakeshore Campus

Lakeshore Academic and Student Services Optimization

  • Tactic 2.1 Determine the identity of Lakeshore (which programs serving which students)
  • Tactic 2.1.1  Assessment and gathering feedback from internal and external stakeholders to help determine gaps and direction for the campus 
  • Tactic 2.1.2 Identify necessary student services and enhance them at the LS campus.
  • Tactic 2.1.3 Enhance the Lakeshore facilities including lab space to meet the needs of the LS stakeholders
  • Tactic 2.2 More effectively utilize technology to enhance the services available at LS & connect virtually to the main campus
  • Tactic 2.2.1 Identify necessary student services (technology) and enhance them at the LS campus
30%In Progress2025-26 AY

Priority 3: 

Forge strong partnerships between GRCC and K-12 educational institutions

K-12 Partnerships

  • Tactic 3.1 Establish new partnership models (beyond middle college) Ex. Pre-apprenticeships, Direct Credit, etc.
  • Tactic 3.2  Align pathways for students to earn certificates that ladder to degrees
  • Tactic 3.3 Establish partnerships with the lower grades K-8 to develop pipelines of students
20%In Progress2024- 25 AY

Priority 4: 

Expand and diversify our network of employer partnerships by actively pursuing collaborations with previously untapped organizations

Strengthening Collaborations with Community and Employer Partners

  • Tactic 4.1 Partner with community non-profits to expand employer relationships to lead to increase educational attainment for their employees
  • Tactic 4.2 Offer work-based learning experience/ internships with employers for students
  • Tactic 4.3 Reinvigorate and diversify our advisory committees
  • Tactic 4.3.1 Create a President's Employers Council
  • Tactic 4.4 Review technology solution to track partnerships (CRM)
20%In Progress2025-26 AY

Goal 5: Infrastructure & Sustainability

The College effectively and responsibly uses our resources to enhance and improve GRCC and our community.

Goal 5: Metrics Measurement Categories - Enrollment and Employee Engagement Score

Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 | Goal 4 | Goal 5

PriorityStrategic InitiativeProgress PercentageImplementation DateTarget Completion Date

Priority 1: 

Enhance our organization's human resource potential by implementing targeted training programs and fostering a supportive and inclusive work culture

The New Employee Experience

  • Tactic 1.1 Re-envision the onboarding process for staff
  • Tactic 1.1.1  Reinvigorate a mentoring program for new staff as part of onboarding
  • Tactic 1.1.2  Help new employees acclimate to the College (formal portion such as policies, procedures, technology, etc.)
0%Start: 2024-25 AY2024-25 AY

Evidence-based Hiring Practices

  • Tactic 1.2  Communicate the progress towards more transparency around the hiring process for staff (a better understanding of how we select candidates, who is in the pool, etc.)
  • Tactic 1.2.1  Review our evidence-based hiring process for staff
70%In Progress2024-25 AY

Creating a Culture that Fosters Employee Recruitment and Retention

  • Tactic 1.3 Create a better and more consistent employee experience to recruit and retain employees in a competitive environment 
  • Tactic 1.3.1 Explore applicant tracking management system, onboarding, and performance management
  • Tactic 1.3.2 Share information about what is being done to address the turnover rate and ensure departments receive the same information
  • Tactic 1.3.3 Support supervisors to help provide a consistent employee experience across departments
  • Tactic 1.3.4 Establish more structure and policy around contingency positions
20%In Progress2024-25 AY

Priority 2: 

Strike a balance between physical space and technology for a seamless integration that enhances the learning experience

Facility Optimization

  • Tactic 2.1  Assessing physical space needs given the change in distance education demand
  • Tactic 2.2  Use course scheduling to better respond to our physical space needs as assessed
  • Tactic 2.3  Optimize and promote usage of our labs and study spaces to increase utilization
  • Tactic 2.4 Provide guidelines to use student preference / attendance to optimize building usage
10%In Progress2025-26 AY

Priority 3: 

Foster a culture of environmental responsibility to reduce our ecological footprint

Campus-Wide Environmental Sustainability Effort

  • Tactic 3.1 Reduce physical waste
  • Tactic 3.2 Better understand how we can be more sustainable in the environments we are in
  • Tactic 3.2.1 Reiterate the importance of incorporating sustainability actions into the daily routine
50%In Progress2025-26 AY

Priority 4: 

Ensure financial stability and resource optimization

Departmental Budget Literacy

  • Tactic 4.1 Educate and empower supervisors and budget control officers to know the tools we have available including our budget process
  • Tactic 4.2 Annual refresh on budgeting process 
  • Tactic 4.3  Incentivize turning money back at the end of the year (rather than the May spend)*
10%In Progress2025-26 AY