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Graduate of Excellence: Yasmina Zimmer

A natural leader who combines motivation with the calm strength needed to lead others, Yasmina’s love of learning and thirst for knowledge inspired both teachers and her fellow students. Having earned an Associate of Arts Pathway Degree with Math, Science, and Engineering Concentration, Yasmina earned high praise and high honors during her studies and was voted 2023’s student of the year in biology and geology.

Compelled to drop out of high school after her wedding at age 16, Yasmina earned her GED certificate in 2022 and began taking classes at GRCC where she fell in love with biology and geology. “I never thought any of these things would be my life,“ stated Yasmina. “I couldn’t have asked for better professors to learn from and who have also provided me with such great opportunities and support in my academics. They have each truly made GRCC a home for me.”

Yasmina is currently an intern for the National Park Service through the Scientist in Parks (SIP) program with The Ecological Society of America and The Geological Society of America. She works at Denali National Park & Preserve Alaska and serves as a natural resource management assistant for the road ecology program. Her role involves monitoring wildlife behavior in response to visitor activity within the park.
