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View GRCC Ethics Monitoring System Brochure 

Ethics Hotline Phone Number: (616) 234-3169

GRCC Ethics Statement

The personal integrity of each employee coupled with GRCC’s institutional commitment to the highest standards of professional conduct, is the foundation of GRCC’s culture.

The Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) Ethics Monitoring System has been designed to provide GRCC students, employees and members of the community with multiple means of reporting concerns regarding possible ethics violations. Every person has a responsibility to report facts giving rise to possible ethics violations so the college can conduct a prompt investigation and implement a timely, appropriate and equitable response.

This system has been designed to ensure that reporting ethics concerns can be done easily and with assurance of confidentiality to the extent allowable under the law and relevant GRCC policies.

Anyone who has reason to believe that an ethics violation has occurred should immediately report known facts in one of the ways listed in the Reporting Options. When reporting a violation, it is important to include the following information to the extent you have this information available:

  • Explain the facts of the incident.
  • Provide the name of the alleged offender if known.
  • Give the date the incident occurred.
  • Provide a contact name, number, and e-mail to allow for confidential follow up. (Optional: If you choose to remain anonymous, please understand that GRCC’s ability to respond may be limited if we are unable to verify the facts through other sources.) 

Reporting options

It is not necessary to provide a name when making a report. You may send a written statement of facts to the Office of the General Counsel – addressing the envelope to the Ethics Officer. If you prefer to make a report by phone, call:

For Purchasing Policy violations, report the incident to the Purchasing Department at (616) 234-3850.

Grand Rapids Community College creates an inclusive learning and working environment that recognizes the value and dignity of each person.

It is the policy and practice of GRCC to provide equal educational and employment opportunities regardless of age, race, color, religion, marital status, sex/gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, height, weight, national origin, disability, political affiliation, familial status, veteran status or genetics in all programs, activities, services, employment and advancement including admissions to, access to, treatment in, or compensation in employment as required by state and federal law.

GRCC is committed to reviewing all aspects of GRCC programs, activities, services and employment, including recruitment, selection, retention and promotion to identify and eliminate barriers in order to prevent discrimination on the basis of the listed protected characteristics.

The college will not tolerate any form of retaliation against any person for bringing charges of discrimination or participating in an investigation.


  1. Once a complaint is received through one of the reporting options, the complaint will be placed in writing by the recipient (General Counsel, Director of Equal Opportunity Compliance, Labor Relations and Equal Opportunity Generalist, Title IX Coordinator, Executive Director of Human Resources, Director of Purchasing, Chief of GRCC Police, Director of Student Life and Conduct, Dean of Student Success, Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer, or other college officials).

    Complaints will be investigated promptly by the appropriate authority, depending on the available facts.

    a. Investigations that involve legal violations will be led by GRCC Police, consistent with appropriate law enforcement investigatory procedures.

    b. Investigations involving purchasing violations will be led by the Purchasing Department, consistent with GRCC purchasing policies and procedures.

    c. Investigations involving student misconduct will be led by the Office of Student Life and Conduct consistent with the procedures set out in the Student Code of Conduct.

    d. Investigations that involve employee misconduct, including student employees, will be led by Human Resources consistent with the appropriate investigatory procedures detailed in:
  • GRCC Labor Agreements
  • GRCC Meet and Confer Employee Handbook
  • GRCC Policies
  • Human Resources Work Instructions

    e. Incidents involving unlawful discrimination or harassment will be led by the Office of General Counsel / Director of Equal Opportunity Compliance consistent with appropriate investigation procedures detailed in applicable GRCC Policies, GRCC Labor Agreements and the GRCC Meet and Confer Handbook.
  1. Investigations are conducted in as confidential a manner as possible.
  2. All disciplinary actions will be administered in coordination with Human Resources to ensure consistent and appropriate responses.
  3. Records of complaints are maintained by the appropriate department.


  1. . If an employee is found to have committed a breach of ethics, timely and appropriate corrective action will be taken consistent with the principles of due process and progressive discipline.
  2. If a student is found to have committed a breach of ethics, timely and appropriate corrective action will be taken consistent with the principles and procedures set forth in the Student Code of Conduct.
  3. Discipline that results from an ethics investigation will be kept confidential, unless disclosure is required by state or federal law.
  4. The college strictly prohibits retaliation against any individual for fling an ethics complaint or for participating in an ethics investigation. All allegations of retaliation will be swiftly and thoroughly investigated. If it is determined that retaliation occurred, the College will take all reasonable steps within its power to stop such conduct. Individuals who engage in retaliatory conduct are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination or expulsion.

Grand Rapids Community College expects our community to comply with the following policies listed below:

  • Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
  • Administrator Code of Ethics
  • Alliance of Professional Support Staff Code of Ethics
  • Board of Trustees Member Code of Conduct
  • Computer and Network Acceptable Use Agreement
  • Conflict of Interest Policy Employee Reimbursement Policy
  • Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy
  • Ethics Reporting policy
  • Faculty Ethics Policy Non-discrimination on the Basis of Disability Policy
  • Purchasing Policy
  • Sexual Misconduct Policy
  • Student Code of Conduct Title IV School Loan Code of Conduct Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy
  • Transgender and Non-Binary Equal Opportunity Policy
  • Unlawful Harassment Policy

The full text of these policies can be found at

Specific examples of ethics violations include:

  • Actions that place the college at risk.
  • Bullying.
  • Fraud.
  • Gross misrepresentation.
  • Intimidation.
  • Misuse of college resources.
  • Plagiarism.
  • Retaliation.
  • Sexual harassment.
  • Unlawful discrimination.
  • Use of college position or college resources for personal gain.


Director of Equal Opportunity Compliance
(616) 234-2120

Bostwick Office Suites
140 Bostwick Avenue, NE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503-3295

For additional information or clarification, contact the Office of the General Counsel at (616) 234-2120. This publication is available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact the Office of General Counsel for more details.
