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Applied Technology

Prepare for a rewarding career in the manufacturing and service industries.

The Applied Technology Department will prepare you for great job opportunities in Air Conditioning, Refrigeration & Heating, Electronics, Mechatronics and Industrial Maintenance.

Why Applied Technology at GRCC?

Our programs focus on the application of high-tech production equipment, software and techniques to achieve cost savings and quality in the manufacturing, service and distribution industries.

Graduates can find a variety of employment opportunities in the areas of weld tech, facilities layout, process development, product development, quality control, technical sales and warehousing.

Graduates are eligible for articulation into a variety of baccalaureate degree programs.

Areas of study

Contact Info

ATC 314

Faculty & Staff


Professional Support Staff

Katie Pena

Katie Pena

Support Professional for Applied Technology, Manufacturing and Manufacturing Apprenticeships
(616) 234-3670


Adjunct Faculty
