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Research-Only Library Space Request

General Information

  • Use this form to reserve individual seating or group study space within the LLC. Computers are available.
  • Research-Only sessions are often requested as follow-up hands-on time for students who have received information literacy instruction. You do not need to fill this form out if you have requested Information Literacy Instruction on the same day, as hands-on research time is built into all classes.
  • You do not need to have previously requested information literacy instruction in order to request Research-Only space, however, no group instruction is offered during Research-Only time. A Reference Librarian is available to assist individuals at the Reference Desk.
  • Faculty are expected to be in the library with their students during Research-Only sessions.
  • Contact Samantha Minnis at (616) 234-3082 or with questions.


  • Complete one request form per Research-Only session.
  • Forward your Research-Only requests at least 1 day in advance.
  • Within one business day, your request will be confirmed with a Google Calendar appointment OR you will receive a message that your reservation is being processed. If you do not receive either, your request has not been received.
  • Upon receipt of the Google appointment confirmation, please check it for accuracy and click [Yes] to accept it. If changes are required, [Reply] to that Google message with your changes.
  • Reservations are also posted in 25Live.
Personal Information
Course Information
Do any of your students have special needs?
Classroom Information
First Choice
Second Choice
You must select a first and second choice for your preferred date of instruction