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Social Media Best Practices

Use these social media best practices to set yourself and your brand up for success.

Be Engaged

Engaging with your followers makes your account feel authentic, and makes your audience want to engage more. 

  • Like and reply to comments occasionally to maintain conversation with your audience. 
  • Reply to direct messages within 24 hours of receiving a message. 
  • Follow other accounts that are similar to yours. Like and comment on their content as well. 

Focus on Visuals

Visual elements are the perfect way to grab the attention of your audience. There is a lot of information on social media, how do you make yours stand out?

  • Include a photo or video in your posts. 
  • Make sure photos are high quality, not pixelated or blurry. 
  • Know the optimized image sizes for each platform. 
  • If you’re posting a photo someone else took, always get permission before posting, and give photo credits when possible. 

Track Analytics

Every social media platform has built in analytics that provide data on what content is performing well. Use this information to your advantage. 

  • Look at account analytics on a regular basis. 
  • Determine trends in the type of content that is performing well. 
  • If a specific message is underperforming, look at other ways of sharing the message or utilizing a different platform. 

Know your Audience

Every social media platform has a different audience. It’s important to determine what content and messages resonate with each audience. 

  • Don’t post the same content on every platform. Certain content will perform well on one platform and not well on others. 
  • Know which platforms your audience uses. Audience analytics on each platform can help determine your audience demographics. 