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MiTransfer Pathways maximizes your transfer opportunities across Michigan.

Transfer to colleges and universities across Michigan

Faculty across Michigan identified community college courses that commonly meet bachelor's degree requirements, and could easily transfer to participating four-year institutions. These are called t"MiTransfer Pathway Courses."

Meet with an advisor to plan your transfer

We can help you select courses that meet your transfer institution requirements, identify any potential exceptions to the MiTransfer Pathways Agreement and choose courses that meet your GRCC degree requirements.

MiTransfer Pathway courses are available for GRCC students studying:

Art: MiTransfer Pathways Courses

MiTransfer Pathway CourseGRCC Subject/ Course NumberGRCC Course TitleCredit Hrs
Art History IAT 105History of Art Before 14003
Art History IIAT 106History of Art Since 14003
Drawing IAT 140Drawing I3
2D Design   

(See exceptions)
AT 130Two Dimensional Design I Principles3
3D Design   

(See exceptions)
AT 150Three Dimensional Design3
  • GRCC’s MiTransfer Pathway Courses for Art may be taken as part of GRCC’s Pre-Art, A.A. (General Transfer) Academic Program. Please see the GRCC Catalog for additional requirements for earning this GRCC degree.
  • Participating Institutions, the Full Agreement and its terms, and Course Exceptions for the Art MiTransfer Pathway can be found on the web page about MiTransfer Pathways.

Biology MiTransfer Pathway Courses

MiTransfer Pathway CourseGRCC Subject/ Course NumberGRCC Course TitleCredit Hrs
Cell/Molecular BiologyBI 151Introduction to Cells, Molecules, and Genes4
Organismal BiologyBI 152Biological Diversity4
General Chemistry ICHM 130General Chemistry I4
General Chemistry ICHM 131General Chemistry I Lab1
General Chemistry IICHM 140General Chemistry II4
General Chemistry IICHM 141General Chemistry II Lab1
Organic Chemistry ICHM 260Organic Chemistry I4
Organic Chemistry ICHM 261Organic Chemistry I Lab1
Organic Chemistry IICHM 270Organic Chemistry II4
Organic Chemistry IICHM 271Organic Chemistry II Lab1
  • GRCC’s MiTransfer Pathway Courses for Biology may be taken as part of GRCC’s Pre-Biology, A.A. (General Transfer) Academic Program. Please see the GRCC Catalog for additional requirements for earning this GRCC degree.
  • Participating Institutions, the Full Agreement and its terms, and Course Exceptions for the Biology MiTransfer Pathway can be found on the web page about MiTransfer Pathways.

Business: MiTransfer Pathway Courses

MiTransfer Pathway CourseGRCC Subject/ Course NumberGRCC Course TitleCredit Hrs
MicroeconomicsEC 252Principles of Microeconomics3
MacroeconomicsEC 251Principles of Macroeconomics3
Financial AccountingBA 256Principles of Accounting I4
Managerial AccountingBA 257Principles of Accounting II4

Business Law

(See exceptions)

BA 207Business Law I3
  • GRCC’s MiTransfer Pathway Courses for Business may be taken as part of GRCC’s Pre-Business, A.A. (General Transfer) Academic Program. Please see the GRCC Catalog for additional requirements for earning this GRCC degree.
  • Participating Institutions, the Full Agreement and its terms, and Course Exceptions for the Business MiTransfer Pathway can be found on the web page about MiTransfer Pathways.

Communication: MiTransfer Pathways Courses

MiTransfer Pathway CourseGRCC Subject/ Course NumberGRCC Course TitleCredit Hrs
Public SpeakingCOM 131Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
Interpersonal Communication  

(See exceptions)
COM 135Interpersonal Communication3
  • GRCC’s MiTransfer Pathway Courses for Communication may be taken as part of GRCC’s Pre-Communication Studies, A.A. (General Transfer) Academic Program. Please see the GRCC Catalog for additional requirements for earning this GRCC degree.
  • Participating Institutions, the Full Agreement and its terms, and Course Exceptions for the Communication MiTransfer Pathway can be found on the web page about MiTransfer Pathways.

Criminal Justice: MiTransfer Pathway Courses

MiTransfer Pathway CourseGRCC Subject/ Course NumberGRCC Course TitleCredit Hrs
Introduction to PsychologyPY 201General Psychology3
Introduction to SociologySO 251Principles of Sociology3
Intro to Criminal JusticeCJ 110Introduction to Criminal Justice3

Intro to Corrections

(See exceptions)

CJ 105Introduction to Corrections3
  • GRCC’s MiTransfer Pathway Courses for Criminal Justice may be taken as part of GRCC’s Pre-Criminal Justice, A.A. (General Transfer) Academic Program. Please see the GRCC Catalog for additional requirements for earning this GRCC degree.
  • Participating Institutions, the Full Agreement and its terms, and Course Exceptions for the Criminal Justice MiTransfer Pathway can be found on the web page about MiTransfer Pathways.

Exercise Science: MiTransfer Pathways Courses

MiTransfer Pathway CourseGRCC Subject/ Course NumberGRCC Course TitleCredit Hrs
Anatomy & Physiology 1 (w/lab)BI 121Human Anatomy and Physiology I4
Anatomy & Physiology 2 (w/lab)  

(See exceptions)
BI 122Human Anatomy and Physiology II4
General Chemistry I  

(See exceptions)
CHM 130General Chemistry I4
General Chemistry I  

(See exceptions)
CHM 131General Chemistry I Lab1
Overview of Exercise Science  

(See exceptions)
EXS 184Introduction to Exercise Science3
Introduction to Psychology  

(See exceptions)
PY 201General Psychology3
  • GRCC’s MiTransfer Pathway Courses for Exercise Science may be taken as part of GRCC’s Pre-Exercise Science, A.A. (General Transfer) Academic Program. Please see the GRCC Catalog for additional requirements for earning this GRCC degree.
  • Participating Institutions, the Full Agreement and its terms, and Course Exceptions for the Exercise Science MiTransfer Pathway can be found on the web page about MiTransfer Pathways.

Mechanical Engineering: MiTransfer Pathways Courses

MiTransfer Pathway CourseGRCC Subject/ Course NumberGRCC Course TitleCredit Hrs
Calculus IMA 133Calculus with Analytic Geometry I5
Calculus IIMA 134Calculus with Analytic Geometry II5
Calculus IIIMA 255Calculus with Analytic Geometry III4
Differential Equations*  

(See exceptions)
MA 259 or  

MA 257   

[based on transfer requirements]
Differential Equations  

Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
Physics I (Calculus-based, w/lab)PH 245Calculus Physics I5
Physics II (Calculus-based, w/lab)   

(See exceptions)
PH 246Calculus Physics II5
General Chemistry ICHM 130General Chemistry I4
General Chemistry ICHM 131General Chemistry I Lab1
  • With advising, students may select an Associate of Arts degree program from the GRCC Catalog, and select the above Mechanical Engineering Pathway Courses. Please see the GRCC Catalog for additional requirements for earning a GRCC degree
  • Participating Institutions, the Full Agreement and its terms, and Course Exceptions for the Mechanical Engineering MiTransfer Pathway can be found on the web page about MiTransfer Pathways.

Psychology: MiTransfer Pathways Courses

MiTransfer Pathway CourseGRCC Subject/ Course NumberGRCC Course TitleCredit Hrs
Introduction to PsychologyPY 201General Psychology3
Abnormal PsychologyPY 231Abnormal Psychology3

Developmental Psychology

(See exceptions)

PY 232Developmental Psychology3

Social Psychology

(See exceptions)

PY 260Social Psychology3
  • GRCC’s MiTransfer Pathway Courses for Psychology may be taken as part of GRCC’s Pre-Psychology, A.A. (General Transfer) Academic Program. Please see the GRCC Catalog for additional requirements for earning this GRCC degree.
  • Participating Institutions, the Full Agreement and its terms, and Course Exceptions for the Psychology MiTransfer Pathway can be found on the web page about MiTransfer Pathways.

Public Health: MiTransfer Pathways Courses

MiTransfer Pathway CourseGRCC Subject/ Course NumberGRCC Course TitleCredit Hrs
Introduction to PsychologyPY 201General Psychology3
Introduction to SociologySO 251Principles of Sociology
Introduction to Public HealthEXS 225Introduction to Public Health3

(See exceptions)
GH 200General Nutrition3
Personal Health/Wellness  

(See exceptions)
EXS 189Healthy Living3
  • With advising, students may select an Associate of Arts degree program from the GRCC Catalog, and select the above Public Health Pathway Courses. Please see the GRCC Catalog for additional requirements for earning a GRCC degree
  • Participating Institutions, the Full Agreement and its terms, and Course Exceptions for the Public Health MiTransfer Pathway can be found on the web page about MiTransfer Pathways.

Social Work: MiTransfer Pathways Courses

MiTransfer Pathway CourseGRCC Subject/ Course NumberGRCC Course TitleCredit Hrs
Introduction to PsychologyPY 201General Psychology3
Introduction to SociologySO 251Principles of Sociology3
Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare  

(See exceptions)
SW 150Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Welfare3
Human Biology  

(See exceptions)
BI 101 or  

BI 117  

[based on transfer requirements]
General Biology  

General Human Anatomy and Physiology

  • GRCC’s MiTransfer Pathway Courses for Social Work may be taken as part of GRCC’s Pre-Social Work, A.A. (General Transfer) Academic Program. Please see the GRCC Catalog for additional requirements for earning this GRCC degree. 
  • Participating Institutions, the Full Agreement and its terms, and Course Exceptions for the Social Work MiTransfer Pathway can be found on the web page about MiTransfer Pathways.