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Governance Statement Reaffirmation and BOT Policies

GRCC Board of Trustee Policy Governance Statement Reaffirmation

This GRCC Board of Trustees Policy Governance Statement stems from the Board’s commitment to Policy Governance. As a Board we understand that:

  1. The GRCC Board of Trustees leads and provides direction to Grand Rapids Community College through the Policies the Board adopts. The Board’s Policies express the Board’s broad, future-looking values.
  2. The Board’s Policies will generally fall into one of four categories:
    • Goals - The Board defines which human needs are to be met, for whom, and at what cost. Written with a long-term perspective, these mission-related policies embody most of the Board's part of long-range planning.
    • Executive Limitation - Boundaries of acceptability within which staff function as they operationalize Board Policies, and College programs and strategic initiatives.
    • Board-Executive Linkage - Definitions around Board/President accountability and monitoring.
    • Governance Process - The Board determines its philosophy, its accountability, and specifics of its own job.
  3. The Board speaks with one voice: On Policies and resolutions that come before the Board including all voted matters, the Board Chair or the Board Chair’s designate speaks on behalf of the Board. Dissenting Board members back the Board’s decisions once they are made. (Board Member’s Code of Conduct Policy)
  4. The Board’s one employee is the President of Grand Rapids Community College.
  5. The Board monitors and evaluates the performance of the College President annually. (Monitoring Executive Performance Policy)
  6. Individual Board trustees always carry with them their place as a member of the GRCC Board of Trustees when they interface with the public. This informal interface and subsequent community interaction is important and helps inform the Board as it does its work. Trustees assist the president in building strong connections to the community we represent. (Board Job Description)
  7. When individual Board trustees receive public inquiries regarding operations of the College, trustees will direct these questions to the College President. The President or President’s designate will respond on behalf of the College. (Board-Staff-Citizens Relations Policy)
  8. Any Board Trustee who wishes to visit campus for the purpose of interacting with students and/or staff will coordinate such visits with President’s Office.


All Board of Trustees Policies
