Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) requires all credits students to maintain good academic standing. Academic Standing is reviewed at the end of each semester of enrollment when grades are posted.
Students in specific programs (both academic and support programs) at GRCC and students receiving financial aid and/or veterans benefits must also meet the specific academic requirements that determine continuation for these programs.
If students achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0, students will be in good standing and this will be noted on the student’s transcript.
What if I fail to meet the standards?
Students will first go on academic alert on the first occasion that their cumulative GPA is below 2.0 either after their first enrollment semester or following Good Standing. If a student’s subsequent semester GPA is below 2.0 while on alert, students will then be placed on academic probation. If a student’s subsequent semester GPA is below 2.0 while on probation, the student will be placed on academic suspension.
When the cumulative GPA improves to a minimum of 2.0, students will be in academic good standing.
Academic Alert
Students who are placed on academic alert will be notified via email at the end of the semester. This is not noted on the transcript.
Academic Probation
Students who are placed on academic probation will be notified via email at the end of the semester. Academic probation is noted on the student’s transcript and an indicator will be viewable on the student’s account. Students on Academic Probation are required to complete the Academic Success Workshop in Blackboard. A registration hold will be placed on their account if the workshop is not completed by the end of the following semester.
Academic Suspension
Students who are placed on academic suspension will be notified via email and mailed letter. Students registered for the subsequent semester will be contacted by phone as well. Academic suspension is noted on the student’s transcript and an indicator will be viewable on the student’s account. They will be prohibited from registering for credit classes at GRCC for one semester. If students are already registered for the next semester, courses will be dropped.
If the student is academically suspended due to circumstances beyond their reasonable control, they may appeal this suspension to the Academic Suspension Appeal Committee. The Committee’s decision is final.
To appeal your Academic Suspension, please use the following form: Academic Suspension Appeal Form.
Return from Academic Suspension
Students returning from Academic Suspension following a semester of non-attendance at GRCC must meet with an academic advisor prior to being allowed to register for classes.

'I took that letter and I hung it above my light switch so I would see it every single day before I left my room. I told myself over and over again that I’d wear that letter on my cap if I ever graduate.'